Al-Amin Traders is a pioneer indenting company and has been dealing with the Ministry of Bangladesh through decades.
The company itself has become a trustworthy partner in the eyes of the Bangladesh Government.
So far, Al-amin Traders has worked with the following Ministries of Bangladesh:
1. Ministry of Disaster Management
2. Ministry of Defence
3. Ministry of Agriculture
4. Ministry of Posts & Telecommunications
5. Ministry of Civil Aviation
6. Ministry of Shipping and Inland Water Transport
7. Ministry of Education
8. Ministry of Science And Information & Communication Technology
9. Bangladesh Railway
10. Bangladesh Bridge Authority
11. LGRD
12. LGED
The company has brilliantly scored success upon success from the Ministries of The Government of Bangladesh, time to time. We are very keen in finding and fetching the upcoming international tenders from the Government on cost of our best reputation.